地理資訊系統:Quantum GIS實作範例 (華立圖書;ISBN:9789866090691) 網誌
- 擔任國際期刊International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601) Special issue 編輯(The Effects of Leisure Activities on Mental Health of Children and Youth)
- 休閒運動健康評論 論(ISSN 2218-0427) 編輯委員 (2019~迄今)
- 台灣首府大學 研究發展處學術發展組 組長
- 台灣首府大學 研究發展處國際合作組 組長
- 致遠管理學院 環境資源學系 助理教授
- 國家災害防救科技中心 資訊組 博士後研究員
- 美國農業部 西南地區水資源研究中心 研究助理
- 亞歷桑那大學農業及生態系統工程系 助教
- Huang H-C, Hsieh H-H, Chang C-M, Lu Y-C, Mui W-C. (2022). An Exploration of Dance Learning Stress Sources of Elementary School Dance Class Students with Artistic Abilities: The Influences of Psychological Capital and Self-Concept. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. ; 19(12):7398. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19127398
- Chang, C.-M., Hsieh, H.-H., Liao, L.-A., Huang, H.-C., Lin, B.-C. (2022). Teaching evolution: the Use of Social Networking Sites, Sustainability, 14(3), 1521; https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031521 (SSCI, Environment and Ecology, ranked 130/338, IF=3.251, Q1).
- Chang, C.-M., Hsieh, H.-H., Chou, Y.-H., Huang, H.-C. (2021). The Relationship between Physical Education Teachers’ Perceptions of Principals’ Transformational Leadership and Creative Teaching Behavior at Junior and Senior High Schools: A Cross-Level Moderating Effect on Innovative School Climates, Sustainability,13(15), 8184. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13158184 (SSCI, IF=3.251)
- Hsieh, H.-H*, Yang, H.-Y, Chu, K.-Y, Hsiao, C.-T. (2021). Evaluations of service quality: the use of importance- performance analysis and SERVQUAL in a southern Taiwan’s hot spring resort, Indian Journal of Research. 10(6),1-3.DOI : Volume : X, Issue : VI, June - 2021,Current Issue - PIJR (worldwidejournals.com). *第一作者,通訊作者。
- Lai, C.-P.,Hsieh, H.-H.; Chang, C.-M.; Ni, F.-T. ( 2020). The Role of Psychological Capital in Athletic Performance and Career Development of Adolescent Baseball Players in Taiwan. Sustainability, 12(8), 7652.(SSCI, IF=2.592) https://doi.org/10.3390/su12187652
- Chang, C.-M., Chou, Y.-H., Hsieh, H.-H.*; Huange, C.-K. (2020). The Effect of Participation Motivations on Interpersonal Relationships and Learning Achievement of Female College Students in Sports Club: Moderating Role of Club Involvement. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health , 17, 6514.*通訊作者. (SCI, IF=2.849). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17176354
- Chang, C.-M., Liu, L.-W., Hsieh, H.-H. *, Chen, K.-C. (2020).A Multilevel Analysis of Organizational Support on the Relationship between Person-Environment Fit and Performance of University Physical Education Teachers, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17(6), 2041; (SCI, IF=2.849). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17062041, *通訊作者
- Chang, C.-M.; Liu, L.-W.; Huang, H.-C.; Hsieh, H.-H. * (2019) The Influence of Workplace Incivility on Employees’ Emotional Exhaustion in Recreational Sport/Fitness Clubs: A Cross-Level Analysis of the Links between Psychological Capital and Perceived Service Climate , Healthcare 2019, 7(4), 159; https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare7040159 *通訊作者. (SSCI, IF=1.916 )
- Chang, C.-M.; Liu, L.-W.; Huang, H.-C.; Hsieh, H.-H. * (2019) Factors Influencing Online Hotel Booking: Extending UTAUT2 with Age, Gender, and Experience as Moderators. Information , 10, 281. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16101841, *通訊作者. (SCI, IF=2.849).
- Liao, C.C., Lin, Y.X., Hsieh, H.H.* (2019). Satisfaction of Indigenous Tourism from residents’perspectives: A Case Study in Nantou County, Taiwan, Sustainability, 11(1): 276 - 287. https://doi.org/10.1177/0031512518819937,*通訊作者. (SSCI, IF=1.049)
- Chang, C.M., Huang, H.C., Hsieh, H.H.*, Ho, H.C. (2018). The Relationships among the English Learning Motivation, English Learning Barriers and English Learning Behavior of University (Athlete) Students: Social Support as Moderator, Int J Edu Sci, 22(1-3): 45-53. DOI: 11.258359/KRE-191, *通訊作者. (SSCI 準備名單)
- Hsieh, H.H.*, Chang, C.M., Liu, L.W., Huang, H.C. (2018). The Relative Contribution of Dietary Habits, Leisure-Time Exercise, Exercise Attitude, and Body Mass Index to Self-Rated Health among College Students in Taiwan, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 15(5), 967-974, https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15050967, *通訊作者, (SCI, IF=2.849).
- Chang, C.M., Liu, L.W., Hsieh, H.-H., Mui, W.C. (2018). Influence of Sports Participation, Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior toward Vision Care on Vision Performance of Elementary School Students: A Comparison of Athletes and Non-athletes, Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 17:242-247. DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2018.
- Chang, C.M., Huang, H.C., Hsieh, H.-H., Yeh, Y.C. (2018). An Empirical Study of College Students’ Online Purchase Behavior Model toward Sport Merchandise, International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 10(3). (EI).
- Chang, C.M., Hsieh, H.-H., Huang, H.C., Lin, Y.C. (2017).The Relationships among Personality Traits, Job Stress, and Career Developmental Satisfaction of Lifeguards in Taiwan , International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 10(2). (EI).
- Hsieh, H.-H., Chang, C.M., Huang, H.C., Chen, K.C. (2016). Identifications of The Key Impacting Factors On Hotel Workers' Burnout: A Comparison of Ragin’s FsQCA and PLS-SEM Analysis. The International Journal of Organizational Innovation, 9(2), 260-270. (EI).
- Huang, H.C., Liu, L.W., Hsieh, H.-H., Chang, C.M. (2015). Relationships among Physical Education Teachers’ Psychological Capital, Work Stress and Creative Teaching. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 14(6), 744-752. (SSCI).
- 謝惠紅*、劉冠璋、鄭光偉、張惠英。(2021) 台灣中老年族群主觀健康、休閒運動參與動機、效益與幸福感差異與相關性之研究。運動休閒管理學報。18(1), 77-97。*第一作者,通訊作者。
- 謝惠紅。(2015)。飯店從業人員情緒勞務與工作倦怠相關性之探討。島嶼觀光研究,8(1), 25-51。
- Hsu, P.-H., Hsieh, H.-H. (2022). How Backpacker Tourists’ Social Interaction in Hostels Affects their Revisit Intensions? A Case Study of Taiwan’s Hostels, International Conference on Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure: Health, Well-being, and Sustainability, ICHTL 2022, Taipei, Taiwan.
- 游雙豪、劉國寧、謝惠紅*。(2022) 大專餐旅系的實習生情緒勞務、工作倦怠、工作滿意度與留任意願相關性之研究。第17屆全國商學暨觀光餐旅外語研討會,桃園。*通訊作者
- 侯曉芬、謝惠紅*。(2022)。地方政府於偏遠地區舉辦音樂活動之行銷傳播策略研究:以臺南將軍吼為例。2022台灣首府大學休閒管理研討會,台南。*通訊作者。
- 楊惠珠、謝惠紅*。(2022)。旅遊型態與旅遊阻礙對洗腎患者國外旅遊滿意度之研究。2022台灣首府大學休閒管理研討會,台南。*通訊作者。
- 李靜琳、謝惠紅*。(2022)。後疫情時代休閒運動參與者防疫措施與休閒阻礙對休閒參與及幸福感之研究。2022台灣首府大學休閒管理研討會,台南。*通訊作者。
- Hsieh, H.-H., Hsiao, C.T., (2018), Comparison of the importance-performance analysis and SERVQUAL: a case of Taiwan’s hot spring resort, 2018 International Conference on Business and Social Science, March 27-29, 2018, Kyoto, Japan.
- Hsieh, H.-H., (2017), A study of the relationships of dietary, physical activity, exercise knowledge and self-rated health among college students in Taiwan, Fourteenth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health Research, Jackson, MS, USA.
- Huang, C.H., Hsieh, H.-H.., Liu, L.W., Chang, C.M. (2015). Using UTAUT2 Model to Empirically Test Online Hotel Bookings by Consumers in Taiwan International Tourist Hotels. 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management (GEIM) Conference in partnership with Journal of Business Research Special Issue, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Hsieh, H.-H., Chang, C.M., Tsai, J.H. (2015). Verification of the Relationship between Job Demands-Resources and Hotel Worker's Burnout. The Sixth Annual Asian Conference on the Social Sciences 2015, Kobe, Japan.
- Hsieh, H.-H., Chang, C.M. (2013). Development of Internet Services for Rural Community Tourism- A Case Study for Six Rural Communities in Tainan. International Geographical Union Regional Conference 2013, Kyoto, Japan.
- 魏麗錡、謝惠紅*。(2019)。烏克麗麗愛好者學習動機、學習樂趣與學習滿意度相關性之研究,2019觀光休閒暨餐旅管理學術研討會,台南,*通訊作者。
- 姜志昌、謝惠紅。(2017)。休閒調劑重要嗎?檢驗消防人員休閒調適對工作要求產生的壓力之調節效果。2017觀光休閒暨餐旅管理學術研討會,台南。
- 謝惠紅、蕭朝聰。2017)。銀髮族運動參與動機、效益與幸福感關係之研究。2017年休閒產業與運動健康學術研討會,高雄。
- 謝惠紅、張惠英、蕭朝聰、侯佳伶、陳怡臻(2016)。大專生飲食習慣、運動習慣與身體健康知覺相關性之探討。2016觀光、休閒暨餐旅學術研討會,台南。
- 謝惠紅。(2015)。中老年人運動涉入、運動阻礙與身心狀況相關性之探討。2015第四屆新高齡年會暨學術研討會,嘉義。
- 謝惠紅、張家銘。(2015)。大專生身體組成與飲食及運動習慣相關性之研究。2015 觀光、休閒暨餐旅管理學術研討會 ,台南。
- 謝惠紅、 張家銘、 陳淑真(2014)。台湾新住民与本地高中生体适能状况差异性之研究-以台南玉井商工学生为例 。第六屆全國高校教師教育科學論文研討會,中國雲南省昆明市雲南師範大學。
- 謝惠紅,林日順,張家銘。(2013)農村旅遊服務平台資訊適切性之探討。2013 Asia Kaohsiung International Sport Industry Forum,高雄。
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